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Ganjang Gejang _ the Viral K-Food

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 8. 12:05

Hollywood actor Michael Fassbender was spotted dining at a Korean restaurant! He visited a soy sauce marinated crab (ganjang gejang) restaurant in Paju with director Na Hong-jin. Fassbender is currently starring in Na's upcoming sci-fi film, Hope, which tells the story of villagers defending themselves against mysterious attacks in an isolated town. Netizens were curious if Fassbender enjoyed the Korean delicacy, ganjang gejang, and shared their thoughts online.


Soy sauce marinated crab (ganjang gejang), a popular Korean dish, has been gaining massive popularity among foreigners in 2024. According to BC Card's data, ganjang gejang ranked as the third most loved Korean dish by foreigners from 2022 to 2024, right after fried chicken and Chinese food. Ganjang gejang, a dish made by marinating crabs in soy sauce, is unique to Korea and is hard to find in other countries. It's especially popular among Chinese tourists, with many even renting cars or taking express buses to visit famous restaurants in Korea.


  • Hollywood actor - 할리우드 배우
  • was spotted - 목격되었다
  • dining - 식사하는
  • soy sauce marinated crab - 간장게장
  • sci-fi film - SF 영화, 공상과학 영화 
  • villager - 마을 주민
  • mysterious attacks - 의문의 공격
  • isolated town - 고립된 마을
  • delicacy - 별미
  • marinate - 절이다


Michael Fassbender in Paju _ Image Source : SBS News

Why Is Ganjang Gejang So Popular?

The dish is particularly well-loved in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and the U.S., and there are several reasons why foreigners are so drawn to it.

  1. Unique Flavor and Texture
    Ganjang gejang offers a harmonious blend of salty and sweet flavors from the soy sauce, combined with soft, chewy crab meat, creating a delightful culinary experience. Many foreigners find this complex taste both new and unforgettable, often falling in love with its distinctive umami flavor after trying it.
  2. A Healthy Meal
    Crab is rich in protein and minerals, making ganjang gejang a nutritious option. As interest in natural and fermented foods grows worldwide, the popularity of this dish has risen. The fermented elements add to its image as a healthy food, appealing to many health-conscious foreigners.
  3. A Cultural Experience
    For tourists, ganjang gejang represents more than just a meal. Often featured in Korean dramas and variety shows, the dish offers a gateway to experiencing traditional Korean food culture. By visiting a local restaurant and enjoying ganjang gejang, foreigners can deepen their understanding of and connection to Korean culture.

Similar Fermented Seafood Dishes Around the World

Though there isn’t a dish exactly like ganjang gejang anywhere else in the world, several countries have their own versions of fermented seafood. Here are a few examples:

  1. Japan’s Shiokara
    Shiokara is a Japanese dish made by fermenting seafood, usually squid, with salt. It’s much saltier than ganjang gejang and lacks the savory soy sauce flavor. However, both dishes share a deep umami taste developed through fermentation.
  2. China’s Zui Xie (Drunken Crab)
    Zui Xie is a famous dish from southern China where crabs are soaked in alcohol to create a unique flavor. While it’s different from the soy-sauce-based ganjang gejang, both dishes rely on fermentation to develop rich and complex flavors. Zui Xie combines the sweetness of crab meat with the aroma of alcohol.
  3. Philippines’ Bakasi
    Bakasi is a fermented eel dish from the Philippines. It has a soft, salty taste, and like ganjang gejang, it’s known for its deep flavor. However, Bakasi emphasizes the saltiness more than the umami notes of ganjang gejang.
  4. Germany’s Herring
    In Germany, salted herring is a popular seafood dish, typically served with bread, onions, or pickles. While it’s not fermented like ganjang gejang, the salt-curing process gives the herring a similar salty and savory flavor.
  5. Sweden’s Surströmming
    Surströmming is a fermented herring dish from Sweden known for its strong smell and bold taste. While the fermentation process is similar to ganjang gejang, the flavor and aroma are much more intense, making it a love-it-or-hate-it dish.
  6. Norway’s Rakfisk
    Rakfisk is a fermented trout dish in Norway, popular during winter. Like ganjang gejang, it develops deep flavors through fermentation and is usually enjoyed with potatoes or bread.

The Globalization of Ganjang Gejang

In 2024, ganjang gejang has truly become a global favorite, captivating taste buds far beyond Korea. Foreigners love its unique flavor, healthy ingredients, and the cultural experience it offers. With more people in places like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and the U.S. searching for ganjang gejang, it’s clear that Korean fermented foods are gaining international recognition. The popularity of ganjang gejang will likely continue to grow, bringing the taste of Korea to more people worldwide.

If you ever find yourself in Korea, be sure to try ganjang gejang for a memorable and delicious taste of Korean culture!