a cup of 영어

Sip by Sip _ Global Coffee Wonders

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 9. 11:01

Coffee isn't just a drink—it's a reflection of a country’s culture and daily life. While sipping on an Allongé and Cappuccino at the coffee roastery Sua Bean in Sejong City, I couldn’t help but think about the incredible variety of coffee enjoyed around the world. From Italy’s bold espressos to Vietnam’s sweet iced coffee, every country has its own way of brewing and enjoying this beloved drink. Let’s take a tour of five coffee-loving countries and their special coffees: Türkiye, Vietnam, Spain, Italy, and France. 


  • reflection - 반영
  • sip - 홀짝이다, 음미하다
  • bold - 진한, 강렬한
  • brew - 끓이다, 우려내다
  • beloved - 사랑받는
  • iced coffee - 아이스 커피

Sua Bean in Sejong

♥ Türkiye : Deep, Rich Tradition

Turkish coffee is a unique cultural experience, known for its deep, rich flavor and thick texture. Here’s what to try:

Turkish Coffee _ Wikipedia

1. Turkish Coffee (Türk Kahvesi)

A traditional favorite, Turkish coffee is made by finely grinding coffee beans and boiling them with water in a small pot called a cezve. The result is a rich, bold cup of coffee with unfiltered grounds that settle at the bottom.

Key Features:

  • Rich, strong flavor due to the finely ground beans.
  • Unfiltered—the coffee grounds remain in the cup, giving it a unique texture.
  • How to Drink: Sugar is often added while brewing, allowing you to customize the sweetness. After drinking, many people in Turkey enjoy coffee fortune-telling (Tasseography) by interpreting the patterns in the leftover grounds.
  • When to Enjoy: Typically served after meals or when hosting special guests.

2. Menengiç Coffee (Menengiç Kahvesi)

Made from wild pistachios grown in southeastern Turkey, Menengiç coffee offers a distinct, nutty flavor. It’s entirely caffeine-free, making it a great alternative for those avoiding caffeine.

Key Features:

  • Caffeine-free with a creamy texture.
  • Naturally sweet without needing added sugar.
  • How to Drink: Often enjoyed with milk for a creamier flavor, though it can be enjoyed on its own.
  • When to Enjoy: Perfect for evenings or late nights since it contains no caffeine.

3. Dibek Coffee (Dibek Kahvesi)

Dibek coffee is traditionally made by grinding coffee beans in a mortar and pestle, which gives it a smoother, less intense flavor compared to Turkish coffee. Often mixed with various spices, it has a deep, aromatic flavor profile.

Key Features:

  • Smoother and richer taste than standard Turkish coffee.
  • Infused with spices, offering a unique flavor blend.
  • How to Drink: Served in small cups and sipped slowly to fully appreciate the flavors.
  • When to Enjoy: Best for leisurely coffee breaks, especially in traditional Turkish cafés.

4. Mirra

Influenced by Arab coffee traditions, Mirra is an extremely strong and bitter coffee, brewed for much longer than other Turkish coffee varieties. It’s usually served in very small portions and without sugar.

Key Features:

  • Intensely strong and bitter due to the extended brewing time.
  • No sugar, highlighting the natural bitterness of the coffee.
  • How to Drink: Popular in southern Turkey, it’s customary to offer two servings, and guests must return the cup by turning it upside down after drinking.
  • When to Enjoy: Typically served during special occasions or ceremonies.

5. Sahlap Coffee (Sahlap Kahvesi)

Although not technically a coffee, Sahlap is a beloved winter drink made from the powdered root of wild orchids. Creamy and sweet, it’s a comforting beverage enjoyed throughout Türkiye.

Key Features:

  • Sweet and creamy, made with milk and orchid root powder.
  • Warming—commonly spiced with cinnamon.
  • How to Drink: Often served warm with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.
  • When to Enjoy: Perfect for cold winter days as a cozy alternative to coffee.

6. Turkish Iced Coffee (Buzlu Kahve)

A refreshing twist on the classic, Turkish iced coffee is a summer favorite. Made with espresso or Turkish coffee, this drink is served over ice and sometimes sweetened with syrup for a deliciously cool treat.

Key Features:

  • Chilled and refreshing, ideal for hot weather.
  • Customizable sweetness—you can add sugar, syrup, or enjoy it black.
  • How to Drink: Enjoy with or without sweeteners. It’s commonly served with ice to keep it cool.
  • When to Enjoy: Best for hot summer afternoons when you need a cool, caffeinated boost.

♥ Vietnam: Sweet and Strong

Vietnam is famous for its bold, sweet coffee styles, often featuring condensed milk. Here’s what to try:

Cà Phê Sữa Đá _ Wikipedia

  • Cà Phê Sữa Đá (Vietnamese Iced Coffee with Condensed Milk)
    • Features: A strong espresso mixed with sweet condensed milk, served cold with ice. The robust flavor of Vietnamese Robusta coffee blends perfectly with the sweetness of condensed milk, resulting in a rich and smooth taste.
    • How to drink: Enjoy slowly, allowing the coffee to mix with the ice. It's a popular choice in the summer.
    • When: Best enjoyed on hot days for a refreshing experience.
  • Cà Phê Phin (Vietnamese Drip Coffee)
    • Features: Brewed using a Vietnamese drip filter called "phin," this coffee is known for its strong and deep flavor. The coffee drips slowly through the filter, creating a robust and concentrated taste.
    • How to drink: Often sweetened with condensed milk or sugar, it can also be enjoyed as an iced coffee.
    • When: Perfect for sipping leisurely in the morning or afternoon.
  • Cà Phê Đá (Vietnamese Black Iced Coffee)
    • Features: A cold black coffee served over ice without any additives. It offers the intense, bold flavor of Robusta coffee and provides a clean and refreshing taste.
    • How to drink: You can add sugar for sweetness, but it’s typically enjoyed black for a stronger coffee experience.
    • When: Ideal for cooling down in hot weather.
  • Cà Phê Trứng (Egg Coffee)
    • Features: Made by whisking egg yolk, sugar, and condensed milk into a frothy cream, which is then placed atop strong coffee. This coffee, which originated in Hanoi, has a creamy, sweet taste, resembling a cross between coffee and dessert.
    • How to drink: Enjoy hot or cold. The blend of sweet cream and robust coffee offers a unique flavor experience.
    • When: Best enjoyed as a dessert-like treat when you have time to savor it.
  • Cà Phê Dừa (Coconut Coffee)
    • Features: A refreshing blend of strong coffee and coconut milk served over ice. The sweet, creamy flavor of coconut pairs well with the bitterness of coffee, making it a popular choice in the summer.
    • How to drink: Served iced, with the nutty flavor of coconut balancing the coffee’s bitterness.
    • When: Perfect for hot summer days.
  • Cà Phê Sữa Chua (Yogurt Coffee)
    • Features: This unique drink combines tangy yogurt with sweet coffee, creating an intriguing balance of sweetness and slight tartness, complemented by the bitterness of the coffee.
    • How to drink: Served cold with ice, it offers a fresh and lively flavor combination.
    • When: Ideal for when you want a light, refreshing coffee experience.
  • Cà Phê Sấu (Apricot Coffee)
    • Features: A distinctive Vietnamese coffee made by combining coffee with apricots (or preserved sour plums). The result is a refreshing coffee with sweet and sour fruity notes, offering a unique taste.
    • How to drink: Enjoyed cold for a tangy and sweet flavor, perfect for a unique coffee experience.
    • When: Great for hot days when you’re craving something fruity and refreshing.
  • Cà Phê Hoa Nhài (Jasmine Coffee)
    • Features: This coffee blends the bold taste of Vietnamese coffee with the delicate fragrance of jasmine flowers. The bitterness of the coffee is softened by the floral aroma, creating an aromatic and pleasant coffee experience.
    • How to drink: It can be enjoyed hot or cold, with the jasmine scent softening the coffee’s strong taste.
    • When: Ideal when you want to enjoy a fragrant and calming coffee.

♥ Spain: The Balance of Bold and Smooth

In Spain, coffee is a key part of daily life, and people enjoy taking their time over a good cup. Here are some of Spain’s top coffee picks:

Café con Leche _ Wikipedia

1. Café con Leche

Espresso mixed with an equal amount of hot milk, making for a creamy and smooth coffee.

  • How to Drink It: Often paired with breakfast or a light snack.
  • When: Best enjoyed in the morning or early afternoon.

2. Cortado

A small espresso with a splash of warm milk, cutting the bitterness.

  • How to Drink It: For those who like strong coffee but want a smoother finish.
  • When: Perfect after a meal or as an afternoon treat.

3. Café Solo

Spain’s version of espresso, strong and served black.

  • How to Drink It: Often with sugar, for those who like their coffee intense.
  • When: Morning, after meals, or whenever you need a strong coffee boost.

4. Café Bombón

Espresso mixed with sweetened condensed milk for a rich, layered coffee.

  • How to Drink It: The espresso and condensed milk form layers, making it visually appealing and deliciously sweet.
  • When: Best enjoyed as a dessert coffee.

♥ Italy: The Art of Bold Espresso

Italy is a country where coffee is more than just a morning routine—it's a way of life. Here are some of Italy's most famous coffees:

1. Espresso

This is the essence of Italian coffee: a short, strong shot with intense flavor.

  • How to Drink It: Typically enjoyed with a bit of sugar, and Italians often drink it while standing.
  • When: Perfect after a meal or during an afternoon break.

2. Cappuccino

A creamy mix of espresso, steamed milk, and foam.

  • How to Drink It: Usually enjoyed in the morning, and it’s rare to see Italians order it after noon.
  • When: Best paired with breakfast.


3. Macchiato

Espresso with just a splash of steamed milk.

  • How to Drink It: It’s a great balance of bold and smooth, perfect for those who find espresso too strong.
  • When: Anytime, especially after a meal.

4. Latte Macchiato

Warm steamed milk topped with a shot of espresso.

  • How to Drink It: Layered beautifully, it’s a milk-heavy coffee that’s sweet and smooth.
  • When: Ideal for a relaxing morning or afternoon.

5. Ristretto

An even shorter, stronger version of espresso.

  • How to Drink It: For those who love their coffee strong and intense.
  • When: When you need a quick, powerful pick-me-up.

6. Lungo

A “long” espresso, made with more water to create a milder flavor.

  • How to Drink It: It’s like espresso but less intense, great for sipping.
  • When: When you want to enjoy your coffee more slowly.

7. Americano

Espresso diluted with hot water for a lighter, longer drink.

  • How to Drink It: A less intense coffee that’s perfect for those who want to savor their drink.
  • When: When you prefer a lighter coffee to sip over time.

♥ France: Elegant Café Culture

French coffee culture is all about elegance and relaxation. It’s not just about the coffee—it’s about enjoying the moment. Here are a few classic French coffees:

1. Café au Lait

Espresso mixed with warm milk, creating a creamy and smooth drink.

  • How to Drink It: Typically enjoyed with breakfast alongside a baguette or croissant.
  • When: Perfect for a leisurely morning.

2. Café Crème

Espresso topped with a generous amount of foamy steamed milk.

  • How to Drink It: Richer than a café au lait, this coffee is for those who love their milk and foam.
  • When: Best enjoyed in the morning or afternoon.

3. Café Noir

Black coffee, similar to espresso but with slightly more water.

  • How to Drink It: Often with sugar, it's strong and simple.
  • When: Anytime, especially after a meal.

4. Café Allongé

An espresso “stretched” with water, making it smoother than a regular espresso.

  • How to Drink It: When you want the bold taste of espresso but with a milder touch.
  • When: Ideal for slow sipping.

5. Café Espresso

A strong, small shot of espresso.

  • How to Drink It: Quickly, with or without sugar.
  • When: Usually enjoyed after a meal.

6. Noisette

Espresso with a little bit of steamed milk.

  • How to Drink It: It softens the strength of the espresso without adding too much milk.
  • When: Great for the afternoon or after a meal.

Noisette _ thegoldenlamb.com

7. Café Glacé

French iced coffee made with espresso and ice, perfect for warm days.

  • How to Drink It: Sometimes served with sugar, this is a refreshing coffee for summer.
  • When: Ideal for hot weather.


Coffee: A Global Experience

From Italy’s bold espresso to Vietnam’s sweetened iced coffee, every country has its own take on this beloved beverage. Next time you enjoy a cup, think about the unique flavors and traditions from around the world that bring coffee to life. It’s more than just a drink—it’s a journey through culture, history, and taste!


• texture - 질감
• unfiltered - 필터를 거치지 않은
• brewed - 우려낸, 끓인
• frothy - 거품이 많은
• spiced - 양념을 넣은, 향신료를 넣은
• fortune-telling - 점을 치는 것
• serving - 제공
• sprinkle - 뿌리다
• leisurely - 여유로운
• occasion - 행사, 특별한 경우
• alternative - 대안
• customize - 맞춤화하다
• concentrate - 농축하다
• mixture - 혼합물
• robust - 강건한, 강한
• tangy - 톡 쏘는
• drizzle - 조금 뿌리다