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New York's Iconic Treat, the Levain Cookie

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 3. 07:30

The Levain Cookie has become one of New York’s most beloved desserts, known for its thick, rich texture and deep flavors. This cookie, which started in the streets of New York, has now captured the hearts of dessert lovers around the world. I found out that "유쾌한빵곳" makes Levain-style cookies using 100% Korean rice. They’re filled with premium chocolate chips, sweetened with allulose instead of sugar, and made without any preservatives. Since they’re so healthy, I enjoyed them guilt-free, haha! :)

The Origins of the Levain Cookie

Levain Bakery was founded in 1995 in New York by two friends, Pamela Weekes and Constance McDonald. They wanted to create a hearty snack to enjoy after their workouts in the cold New York weather, and thus the Levain Cookie was born. What began as a personal treat quickly gained popularity among New Yorkers, eventually becoming one of the city’s most iconic desserts.


  • beloved - 사랑받는
  • thick - 두꺼운
  • texture - 질감
  • deep flavor - 깊은 맛
  • capture - 사로잡다
  • find out - 알아내다
  • premium - 고급의
  • sweeten - 달게 하다
  • allulose - 알룰로스
  • preservative - 방부제
  • guilt-free - 죄책감 없이


유쾌한빵곳간 _ 아몬드초코칩쿠키

The Unique Features of the Levain Cookie

The Levain Cookie stands out from other cookies due to several unique characteristics. First and foremost is its thickness and size. The Levain Cookie is much thicker and larger than a typical cookie, with a crisp exterior and a soft, gooey interior. Another key feature is the abundance of chocolate chips and nuts. Each bite is filled with melted chocolate and crunchy nuts, creating a rich and satisfying flavor that fills your mouth.

The Secret Behind the Recipe

What makes the Levain Cookie so delicious? The secret lies in its ingredients and baking techniques. High-quality butter and chocolate are used to create a deep, rich taste. The cookie’s moist texture comes from perfectly balancing the baking time and temperature. Additionally, the ratio of sugar to flour, and the choice and amount of nuts, play a crucial role in achieving the perfect Levain Cookie. If you’re making these cookies at home, chilling the dough before baking can help you get that signature texture.

From New York to the World

The Levain Cookie’s fame has spread far beyond New York. Levain Bakery has become a must-visit spot for tourists, and social media platforms like Instagram have helped the cookie gain even more popularity. Today, various flavors and versions of the Levain Cookie are available, such as peanut butter and dark chocolate, allowing everyone to find their favorite version of this classic treat.

How to Get Your Hands on a Levain Cookie

You don’t have to visit New York to enjoy a Levain Cookie. Levain Bakery now offers online ordering, shipping their cookies worldwide. Additionally, some renowned bakeries offer their own versions of the Levain-style cookie. If you enjoy baking, there are many recipes and tutorials available online that guide you through making Levain Cookies at home.