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The ‘Pikki Pikki Dance’ Joins the Global K-Wave

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 25. 22:00

Why the World Can’t Stop Dancing to the ‘Pikki Pikki’: A Global Sensation

The 'Pikki Pikki Dance'! If you're a fan of Korean baseball, there's no way you haven't seen it. As someone who recently discovered it through a flurry of blogs and news articles, I was immediately intrigued. The quirky name caught my attention, and it turns out the dance has gotten so popular that The New York Times even did a piece on it. This cheerleading routine by Korea’s KIA Tigers has gone from a local baseball celebration to a global phenomenon. Curious as to how a simple cheer became a worldwide trend? So was I.


  • quirky - 특이한, 기발한
  • flurry - 많은 양, 쇄도
  • cheerleading routine - 치어리딩 동작
  • phenomenon - 현상


Aug. 27, 2024 _ nytimes.com

The Birth of the ‘Pikki Pikki Dance’

The ‘Pikki Pikki Dance’ started back in 2022 as a brief performance by the KIA Tigers cheerleaders, celebrating whenever the team’s pitcher struck out an opposing player. Set to a short 15-second electronic beat, which has a scratchy sound that almost feels like friction, the dance is all about simplicity: cheerleaders raise their thumbs and casually sway their arms up and down in rhythm to drum beats and DJ scratches. This easy-to-follow movement quickly won over fans and became a staple of the KIA Tigers’ cheering culture.

But what truly propelled this dance into global fame was a social media post by cheerleader Lee Ju-eun. In the now-viral video, she abruptly gets up and starts dancing to the ‘Pikki Pikki’ beat while fixing her makeup, effortlessly creating a moment that captured the internet’s heart. Platforms like TikTok ate it up, and soon, the dance was spreading like wildfire through viral challenges.

Why ‘Pikki Pikki’?

The name “Pikki Pikki” traces its roots to a remixed version of JTL’s hit song, ‘My LECON’. The catchy “Pikki Pikki” sound in the chorus stuck in people’s heads and was so easy to remember that it quickly became a fan favorite at KIA Tigers games. What started as a local thing among die-hard fans soon spread across the entire KBO (Korean Baseball Organization) league.

KIA Tigers Cheerleader, Lee Ju-eun _ sedaily.com

The New York Times Weighs In

Recently, The New York Times analyzed the ‘Pikki Pikki Dance’ and its meteoric rise to fame. The paper compared it to the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders’ iconic ‘Thunderstruck’ routine, but where the Cowboys’ choreography is more complex, the Pikki Pikki thrives in its “low-key” simplicity. According to the Times, the understated moves and nonchalant facial expressions have managed to captivate audiences worldwide.

The article also noted how the dance has dominated social media algorithms, catching the attention of millions of viewers. Its straightforward, no-frills nature makes it the perfect content for platforms like TikTok, where simplicity and repeatability are king. Influencers and fans from around the world have jumped on the bandwagon, sharing their own versions of the dance and only fueling its viral momentum.


The New York Times also highlighted how the dance's rise parallels the increase in KBO game attendance. Affordable ticket prices and the fun, laid-back game-day atmosphere are drawing younger crowds, making the KBO experience more accessible and enjoyable for a new generation of fans. And in this relaxed, spirited environment, the Pikki Pikki Dance has thrived.

From Korea to the World: The Dance Spreads

What’s remarkable is how the Pikki Pikki Dance is now making its way beyond Korea’s borders. There’s a viral clip of NFL Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders doing their take on the dance, further cementing its global appeal. And it’s not just sports teams getting in on the action—pop stars like Olivia Rodrigo have joined in too, with Olivia posting her own version of Lee Ju-eun’s iconic dance on social media.

Even in Europe, sports fans from various countries are getting in on the fun, sharing videos of their own Pikki Pikki dance challenges. Meanwhile, in Asia, Japanese baseball fans and Chinese K-pop enthusiasts have embraced the dance, pushing its popularity even further across the continent.

The Cheerleader Behind the Hype

Cheerleader Lee Ju-eun, the face of the viral video, is now receiving major attention from international fans—especially in Taiwan, where she’s become a sensation. According to Taiwanese media, there’s even speculation that Lee might take her talents overseas to pursue a career in Taiwan’s baseball cheerleading scene. With other KIA Tigers cheerleaders making similar moves, it wouldn’t be surprising if Lee followed suit.

Why Is It So Popular?

The Pikki Pikki Dance taps into several key ingredients that have made it a global sensation:

  1. Simplicity: The movements are so easy that anyone, even those with two left feet, can join in. This accessibility has lowered the barrier for participation, inviting people of all ages and backgrounds to give it a try.
  2. The Social Media Effect: Platforms like TikTok thrive on viral challenges that are easy to replicate. The Pikki Pikki Dance is tailor-made for this format, spreading quickly as people put their own spin on the dance and share it with their followers.
  3. Global Relatability: It’s not just a dance for hardcore fans—it’s something lighthearted that transcends cultures. People from different countries and backgrounds can join in the fun without feeling out of place.
  4. Celebrity Boost: When popular figures in sports and entertainment take part, the dance only gains more traction. From NFL cheerleaders to pop stars, everyone seems to be getting in on the action, driving the Pikki Pikki into the global spotlight.

A New Cultural Phenomenon

Following the global success of K-pop, K-food, and K-beauty, even South Korea's baseball cheering culture has joined the wave of the K-craze. Most notably, the rise of the Pikki Pikki Dance, which originated in Korea, has been nothing short of remarkable. What began as a simple cheer routine has quickly spread across social media, evolving into a global trend. As the Korean Wave continues to shape new cultural phenomena in various fields, it leaves us eager to see what groundbreaking trends will captivate the world next.

  • pitcher - 투수
  • opposing player - 상대 선수
  • viral video - 인기를 끄는 비디오
  • choreography - 안무
  • algorithm - 알고리즘
  • affordable ticket prices - 저렴한 티켓 가격
  • game-day atmosphere - 경기 날 분위기
  • celebrity - 유명 인사
  • brief performance - 짧은 공연
  • effortlessly - 쉽게, 거침없이
  • die-hard fans - 열성 팬
  • meteoric rise - 급상승
  • nonchalant - 무심한
  • captivated audience - 매료된 관객
  • straightforward - 직설적인, 단순한
  • no-frills - 불필요한 것이 없는
  • accessibility - 접근성
  • game attendance - 경기 관중 수
  • laid-back - 느긋한, 편안한
  • cementing - 굳히는, 확고하게 만드는
  • cultural relatability - 문화적 공감
  • transcend - 초월하다
  • put their own spin on - 나름대로 변형하다
  • groundbreaking trend - 획기적인 트렌드
  • KBO (Korean Baseball Organization) - KBO (한국 프로 야구)
  • speculation - 추측


* Here’s one of the videos featuring the Pikki Pikki Dance.