a cup of 영어

University Names That Make You Go 'Aha!'

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 24. 21:18

Interesting University Names in Korea

Korea is home to many universities, some with names that clearly give away their location or meaning, and others that are a bit more mysterious. Often, a university's name reflects a rich historical background or embodies the vision of its founder. Today, we're diving into some unique university names and the stories behind them. Let's explore the surprising origins and meanings of a few well-known Korean universities!

🎓 Halla University: It's not on Jeju Island. And it's not connected to Jeju Halla University.

  • Founded: 1994
  • Location: Wonju, Gangwon Province
  • Name Meaning: The university is named after Halla Mountain, a symbol of grandeur and ambition, reflecting the vision of its founder, Jung In-young, the founder of Halla Group. Just hearing the name evokes a sense of majesty, doesn’t it?

🎓 Inje University: It's not in Inje. It's actually in Gimhae.

  • Founded: 1979
  • Location: Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province
  • Name Meaning: The name comes from "仁術濟世, 仁德濟世" (Injuljese, Indeokjese), which means "saving the world through medical skill and virtue." Originally founded as a medical school, Inje University has since expanded into various academic fields, but the name still holds its original compassionate philosophy.

🎓 Inha University: It's in Incheon, but what's Hawaii doing in the name?

  • Founded: 1954
  • Location: Incheon
  • Name Meaning: "Incheon" and "Hawaii" come together to form "Inha." The university was established with funds from Korean immigrants in Hawaii, symbolizing the global connections that helped make it possible. Its name is a nod to the contributions of the Korean diaspora, blending local and international ties.

🎓 Yonsei University: A university born from the union of Yeonhui School and Severance Hospital.

  • Founded: 1885
  • Location: Seoul, Wonju, Incheon
  • Name Meaning: Yonsei's name comes from combining "Yeonhui" (연희) from Yeonhui College and "Severance" (세브란스) from Severance Hospital. These two institutions merged to create what is now one of Korea's top universities. The name reflects a historic partnership between education and medicine.

🎓 Kyung Hee University: Started as Sinheung University.

  • Founded: 1949
  • Location: Seoul
  • Name Meaning: Originally named Sinheung University, it was renamed Kyung Hee in 1955. The name means "a glorious and peaceful era" and aligns with the university's goal of "creating a cultural world." The name change was part of the university's vision of fostering global peace and cultural development.

🎓 Dankook University: Inspired by Korea's mythical founder, Dangun.

  • Founded: 1947 (initially as Dankook College)
  • Location: Yongin and Cheonan
  • Name Meaning: The name comes from combining "Dangun" (the legendary founder of Korea) and "patriotism" (애국), reflecting a deep sense of national pride. Dankook University was built on the philosophy of contributing to the nation’s progress and nurturing a strong sense of identity through education.

🎓 Sungkyunkwan University: A university with roots in the Joseon Dynasty's royal academy.

  • Founded: 1946 (modern re-establishment)
  • Location: Seoul, Suwon
  • Name Meaning: The name comes from the Sungkyunkwan academy, founded in 1398 as a Confucian educational institution during the Joseon Dynasty. Sungkyunkwan University continues the legacy of traditional values while embracing modern education, making it a name full of wisdom and grace.

🎓 Gangneung Wonju National University (GWNU) : The only national university named after two cities.

  • Founded: 1946 (as Gangneung Normal School), merged in 2007
  • Location: Gangneung and Wonju, Gangwon Province
  • Name Meaning: Combining the names of the two cities, Gangneung and Wonju, the university reflects a spirit of cooperation and regional growth. Doesn’t it sound like the perfect blend of sea and mountains?


🎓 Catholic Kwandong University: A name rooted in religious faith and local heritage.

  • Founded: 1954 (initially as Kwandong University), merged in 1999
  • Location: Gangneung, Gangwon Province
  • Name Meaning: The name combines "Catholic" with "Kwandong," the old name for the Gangwon region. The university embodies both religious teachings and a deep connection to local history, creating a unique name with rich cultural layers.

🎓 Soongsil University: A name that encourages noble action.

  • Founded: 1897 (initially as Soongsil Academy)
  • Location: Seoul
  • Name Meaning: The name Soongsil means "noble(숭고한) practice(실천)," reflecting its founder’s desire to instill students with a commitment to honorable and meaningful actions. Established by American missionary William M. Baird, it was Korea’s first modern university.

🎓 Ewha Womans University: A university named after a pear blossom.

  • Founded: 1886 (initially as Ewha Hakdang)
  • Location: Seoul
  • Name Meaning: "Ewha" means "pear blossom." The name was inspired by founder Mary Scranton’s vision of purity and beauty in education for women. Today, it’s a symbol of grace and academic excellence in women's education.

🎓 Hallym University: A name linked to Korea’s intellectual elite.

  • Founded: 1982
  • Location: Chuncheon, Gangwon Province
  • Name Meaning: The name comes from "Hanlimwon," an institution in the Joseon Dynasty that represented scholarly excellence. It captures the spirit of academic pursuit and research, making it a fitting name for a university dedicated to intellectual development.

🎓 Handong University: Feel the breeze from the East Sea just by hearing its name.

  • Founded: 1995
  • Location: Pohang, North Gyeongsang Province
  • Name Meaning: "Handong" means "the east of Korea(한국의 동쪽)," highlighting its geographical location near the East Sea. The name itself carries the refreshing energy of the ocean, perfectly suited to its coastal setting.

🎓 Sogang University: Its name reflects its position on the west bank of the Han River.

  • Founded: 1960
  • Location: Seoul
  • Name Meaning: "Sogang" literally means "west of the Han river," referring to the university’s location on the western side of the Han River. Founded by Jesuits, the university’s name also reflects its mission to provide holistic education in a setting of peace and reflection.

The names of the universities we've explored today carry more than just titles—they embody rich histories, philosophies, and geographical significance. Each name reflects the unique vision of its founders or the social and cultural context in which it was established. Some names pay homage to tradition, while others symbolize the university's global connections or future aspirations.

These fascinating stories behind university names offer a glimpse into the depth and creativity of Korean education. Next time you come across a university name, take a moment to think about the history, values, and vision hidden within. You might find that the name itself holds a story just waiting to be told.

  • founder - 창립자
  • history - 역사
  • ambition - 야망
  • majesty - 장엄함
  • contribution - 기여
  • global connection - 세계적 연계
  • patriotism - 애국
  • Confucian - 유교
  • heritage - 유산
  • cooperation - 협력
  • religious - 종교적
  • noble action - 숭고한 실천 
  • purity - 순수함
  • intellectual - 지적인
  • coastal - 해안의
  • holistic - 전체적인
  • reflection - 성찰

