a cup of 영어

'Makgeolli Shake' Waves

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 20. 08:00

Makgeolli Shake

The Traditional Korean Drink Taking Over the World

If you're a fan of bold and unique flavors, there's a new craze sweeping across Korea and beyond—Makgeolli shakes! This refreshing fusion of the tangy, traditional Korean rice wine (makgeolli) and the creamy richness of milk is turning heads, especially among younger generations and those new to this iconic beverage. And it's not just staying in Korea—it's going global.

1. How Did Makgeolli Shakes Start?

Makgeolli shakes have been gaining momentum in recent years, thanks to some creative collaborations with well-known brands.

Poster from the company

Shake Shack
One of the pioneers of this trend was Shake Shack, the popular American burger joint. In 2021, to celebrate their fifth anniversary in Korea, Shake Shack teamed up with Jipyeong Brewery to launch the Jipyeong Makgeolli Shake. The shake was such a hit that they brought it back in 2022.
In 2024, they’ve pushed the envelope even further by partnering with Haechang Makgeolli to create a shake blended with vanilla custard, organic sweet rice, and glutinous rice makgeolli. If that doesn’t sound irresistible, I don’t know what does!
Paris Baguette
Even Paris Baguette, the French-inspired Korean bakery chain, jumped on board. In 2022, they launched the Jangsu Makgeolli Shake, available only during the summer. This version featured a creamy shake made with ice and milk, infused with the smooth taste of Jangsu Makgeolli.

Poster from the company

2. What's in a Makgeolli Shake?

The basic makgeolli shake recipe is simple: makgeolli and milk blended together. But some versions take it up a notch with added sweetness like condensed milk or honey, and even ice cream for a richer texture.
So, what does it taste like? According to those lucky enough to try it, it’s a fun mix of familiar and exotic. One reviewer said, "It doesn’t have an overpowering makgeolli taste, so it’s easy to enjoy. There's a slight tang at the end that makes it perfect for summer." Others noted hints of banana, which makes sense, given the blend of makgeolli, milk, and sweet flavors. Some cafes even top their shakes with crunchy treats like dalgona (honeycomb candy) for extra texture.

Korean Rural Broadcasting

3. Why is Makgeolli Trending Globally?

Makgeolli’s resurgence isn’t just happening in Korea. It’s making waves around the world, and for a few key reasons.

Health Benefits

Makgeolli is rich in probiotics, which are known to support digestion and boost immunity. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been more conscious of their health, and fermented drinks like makgeolli are appealing to those looking for natural, gut-friendly beverages.

Cultural Impact

With the rise of K-pop and Korean dramas globally, there's been an explosion of interest in Korean culture, including its food and drinks. This has helped makgeolli become a symbol of Korea’s rich culinary heritage, making it popular even among younger, more global audiences.

Creative Marketing

Makgeolli producers are embracing creative marketing strategies. They’re introducing a range of new flavors and sleek, modern packaging that appeals to a more international market. Traditional makgeolli is no longer seen as just an old-school drink but as a hip, health-conscious choice.

Global Reach

Makgeolli’s reach extends far beyond Korea. In the U.S., especially in cities like Los Angeles and New York, bars specializing in makgeolli are popping up, catering to both health-conscious locals and curious drinkers. Its appeal lies in its reputation as a fermented beverage that supports digestion.
In Japan, makgeolli has long been a favorite, often paired with Korean food. Its sweet, smooth flavor suits the Japanese palate, and you can find it in convenience stores and supermarkets across the country.
Across Southeast Asia, makgeolli is being marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional alcohol. It’s especially popular among younger consumers in places like Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines.
Even in Europe, interest in makgeolli is growing. In the UK and France, it’s being introduced alongside Korean food at cultural events, and fusion drinks like makgeolli shakes are gaining traction for their unique taste and Instagram-ready presentation.

4. How to Make a Makgeolli Shake at Home

Curious to try a makgeolli shake but can't find one near you? Don’t worry! It's easy to make at home. Here's a quick recipe you can try.


  • 2 cups of makgeolli
  • 1 cup of milk
  • ½ cup of condensed milk or honey
  • A few ice cubes


  1. Pour all the ingredients into a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour the shake into a glass and enjoy!

Feel free to experiment by adding a scoop of ice cream for extra creaminess or topping with dalgona for a fun crunch.

The Future of Makgeolli

Makgeolli’s transformation from a traditional Korean drink to a global sensation is just beginning. Seoul Jangsu, one of the leading makgeolli producers, has announced plans to keep innovating so that even more people around the world can experience the charm of makgeolli.
Whether you enjoy it in its classic form or as a shake, makgeolli is more than just a drink—it’s a cultural experience. Its refreshing and versatile flavors make makgeolli shakes the perfect summer drink, not only in Korea but across the globe.
So, next time you see makgeolli on the menu, don’t hesitate to give it a try! Whether it's a shake or the traditional version, you’re in for a unique and delightful treat!

  • tangy - 새콤한
  • momentum - 탄력, 추진력
  • pioneer - 선구자
  • collaboration - 협업
  • irresistible - 거부할 수 없는
  • glutinous rice - 찹쌀
  • infused with - ~가 더해진, 주입된
  • condensed milk - 연유
  • texture - 질감
  • probiotics - 프로바이오틱스
  • digestion - 소화
  • gut-friendly - 장에 좋은
  • cultural heritage - 문화유산
  • sleek - 세련된
  • hip - 유행하는, 힙한
  • resurgence - 재기, 부활
  • notch - 단계, 수준
  • boost immunity - 면역력을 높이다
  • health-conscious choice - 건강을 중시하는 선택
  • catering to - ~의 요구를 충족시키다
  • versatile flavors - 다양한 맛
  • alternative - 대안
  • Instagram-ready - 인스타그램에 올리기 좋은