a cup of 영어

Care Farming _ Nurturing the Soul

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 1. 01:10

Nurturing the Soul: The Healing Power of Care Farming

Imagine a farm where people not only grow plants and care for animals but also heal their minds and hearts. This special type of farm is called a Care Farm. On a care farm, people who might feel sad, stressed, or lonely can come and feel better by working with nature. They can plant vegetables, feed chickens, or simply enjoy the fresh air. It’s a place where nature helps people feel happy and healthy again.

Care Farming Around the World

Care farming is becoming popular all over the world. It started in Europe but has spread to many countries because it helps so many people.


  • United Kingdom: Care farming is widely recognized, with many farms supporting people with mental health issues, disabilities, or those needing a break from urban life. While there isn't a specific certification, organizations like Care Farming UK ensure quality and provide support to care farms.
  • Netherlands: The Netherlands has one of the most developed care farming sectors in the world. Hundreds of care farms operate across the country, supported by government policies and the Dutch National Support Centre for Agriculture and Care. This center offers guidance and resources, although specific certification for care farmers is not mandatory.
  • South Korea: Care farming is gaining traction in South Korea, where the government and local communities increasingly recognize its benefits. 


Why Care Farming is Important

Care farming is important because it shows us that nature is not just something to look at—it’s something that can help us heal. Whether you are in the UK, the Netherlands, South Korea, or anywhere else, care farming offers a special way to connect with nature and feel better. By spending time on a farm, planting seeds, or taking care of animals, people can find peace and happiness in a simple but powerful way.

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