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Fall Festivals Unveiled _ From Swiss Cows to Mongolian Eagles

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 15. 06:00

Imagine cows adorned with flowers making their way down from the Alps or majestic eagles showcasing hunting skills with precision! Hidden like treasures, there are many lesser-known fall festivals around the world. How about embarking on a cultural journey to places like Switzerland, Mongolia, Czechia, Laos, Nepal, and Vietnam to discover these special celebrations?


  • adorned - 꾸민
  • majestic - 장엄한
  • precision - 정밀함
  • cultural journey - 문화 여행
  • Alps - 알프스
  • Switzerland - 스위스
  • Mongolia - 몽골
  • Czechia - 체코 


1. Switzerland - Désalpe Festival

Image Source : myswitzerland.com

In the Swiss Alps, a unique festival called Désalpe takes place between late September and early October. This event celebrates the return of cows from the high alpine pastures to the villages. The cows, decorated with vibrant flowers and traditional bells, parade through the streets, while villagers welcome them with traditional music and local food. The festival symbolizes the importance of Swiss agriculture and herding, celebrating the autumn harvest and the natural cycle of the seasons.

2. Mongolia - Golden Eagle Festival

Image Source : Wikipedia

In Mongolia's western region, particularly in the Altai Mountains, the annual Golden Eagle Festival is held every October. This festival celebrates the Kazakh hunters' traditional practice of using trained eagles to hunt foxes and hares. The highlight of the event is a competition where hunters demonstrate their eagles' skills. Dressed in traditional attire, participants take part in various games, while spectators enjoy performances and cultural displays.

3. Czechia - Burčák Festival

Image Source : gtn.co.kr

In the Moravian region of Czechia, the Burčák Festival celebrates a special wine known as Burčák—a sweet, partially fermented wine available only for a short time after the grape harvest. Held between September and October, the festival offers a chance to enjoy freshly made Burčák while partaking in traditional foods and music. During this season, many vineyards open their doors for tastings and celebrations.

4. Laos - Boun Ok Phansa Festival

Image Source : aisakingtravel.com

In Laos, the Boun Ok Phansa festival marks the end of the three-month Buddhist Lent, during which monks have spent time in retreat and reflection. Throughout Laos, temples host celebrations where offerings are made, and lanterns are floated into the sky as a symbol of blessings and wishes. A major attraction of this festival is the boat racing on the Mekong River, making it one of the most anticipated events of the season. For Laotians, this festival holds deep spiritual significance and signals the end of the rainy season.

5. Nepal - Dashain Festival

Image Source : Wikipedia

Dashain is one of the largest and most important festivals in Nepal, celebrated in the fall to mark the victory of good over evil in Hindu mythology. This 15-day festival involves rituals, family gatherings, and offerings to the gods. People fly kites, share meals with loved ones, and seek blessings from their elders. The festival also includes animal sacrifices, a traditional practice that symbolizes renewal and prosperity for the upcoming year.

6. Vietnam - Cau Mua Festival

Image Source : Wikipedia

In central Vietnam, the Cham people, one of the country’s ethnic minorities, celebrate the Cau Mua Festival each fall to pray for rain and a bountiful harvest. Held mainly in the Ninh Thuan region, this festival features unique rituals, traditional dances, and music that highlight the Cham's rich cultural heritage. The ceremonies include prayers for agricultural abundance and offerings to protect crops, making it a significant event in Vietnam’s agricultural communities.

As you can see, there are many captivating and lesser-known fall festivals around the world. These festivals are deeply rooted in the history and traditions of each nation, closely tied to the lives of the people. Experiencing these vibrant celebrations of autumn’s beauty and abundance is a truly enriching way to explore new cultures!


  • alpine pastures - 고산 목초지
  • vibrant - 활기찬
  • herding - 목축
  • autumn harvest - 가을 수확
  • natural cycle - 자연의 순환
  • trained eagles - 훈련된 독수리
  • attire - 복장
  • cultural display - 문화 공연
  • partially fermented - 부분 발효된
  • vineyard - 포도밭
  • offerings - 공물
  • lanterns - 등불
  • boat racing - 보트 경주
  • spiritual significance - 영적 의미
  • victory of good over evil - 선악의 승리
  • bountiful harvest - 풍작
  • agricultural abundance - 농업의 풍요