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Flying with Fido _ Pet-only Airlines

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 4. 10:35

Flying with Fido: Pet-Only Airlines Take to the Skies

Imagine a world where your dog or cat can fly in style—no more cramped carriers under your seat or long waits in cargo. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, that dream is now a reality thanks to pet-only airlines that are changing the way our furry friends travel. These airlines are all about making sure pets are comfy and stress-free on their flights, just like their human companions.

  Fido - 반려견을 가리키는 일반적인 이름
 cramped - 비좁은
 cargo - 화물칸
 furry friends - 털북숭이 친구들(반려동물을 가리키는 친근한 표현)
 comfy - 편안한 (comfortable의 줄임말)
 stress-free - 스트레스 없는
 human companions - 인간 동반자
 brand-new - 완전히 새로운, 신설의
 noise-canceling earmuffs - 소음을 차단하는 귀마개
 calming jackets - 진정 효과가 있는 재킷
 cargo hold - 화물칸

Bark Air: A Special Airline Just for Dogs

Bark Air is a brand-new airline that started flying on May 23, 2024. It's made just for dogs! Bark Air flies between big cities like New York, Los Angeles, London, and Paris. The cool thing about Bark Air is that it’s designed to make dogs feel as relaxed as possible. They get to wear noise-canceling earmuffs and calming jackets, and they even get special drinks during the flight.

  • Why It Started: Bark Air was created because regular airlines usually make big dogs travel in the cargo hold, which can be really stressful. Bark Air wanted to fix that by letting dogs travel in the cabin with their owners, making the trip much more pleasant for everyone.
  • How Popular Is It?: Bark Air is becoming super popular with dog owners who want their pets to have a better travel experience. Even though we don't know exactly how many people use it, the word is spreading fast, and many dog lovers are choosing Bark Air for their travels.
  • Cost: A ticket from New York to Los Angeles costs $6,000, and New York to London is $8,000   

Image Source : Bark Air

K9 Jets: Fly in Style with Your Pet

K9 Jets is another fancy option if you want to travel with your pet. It’s a private jet service where you can pay for just your seat. K9 Jets flies to places like Dubai, Dublin, Los Angeles, and Paris. And yes, cats can come too! But they have to stay in their carriers for the whole flight. If you’re looking for a super special trip with your pet, K9 Jets is the way to go.

    • Cost: A flight to Dublin costs $7,925, to Dubai is $9,925, and to Los Angeles is $13,850.


Regular Airlines: The Usual Way to Fly with Pets

If these pet-only airlines sound a bit too fancy, don’t worry—regular airlines also let you bring your pets. For example, American Airlines lets pets fly in the cabin for an extra fee, usually between $95 and $200. It’s cheaper, but pets have to stay in small carriers under the seat, which might not be as comfy, especially on long flights.

Australia’s New Rules: Pets on Planes Made Easier

Australia has made it easier to travel with pets on planes thanks to new rules. Now, passengers can bring their pets into the cabin with them. This makes traveling with pets more flexible and enjoyable for everyone.

Could This Happen in South Korea?

In South Korea, there aren't any pet-only airlines yet, but that could change soon. As more people start treating their pets like family, the demand for these kinds of services is growing. If a pet-only airline were to launch in South Korea, it would make traveling with pets much easier and safer. Plus, it would be a big step forward for the country’s pet culture.

Some Concerns

While Bark Air and K9 Jets sound amazing, there are a few things to think about:

  1. High Prices: These services are pretty expensive. A ticket on Bark Air from New York to Los Angeles costs $6,000, which is much more than what you'd pay on a regular airline. This means not everyone can afford it, and some people think it’s only for the rich.
  2. Pet Welfare: Even though these airlines try to make pets comfy, flying can still be stressful for them. Long flights can be hard on animals, both physically and mentally. Some experts worry that this kind of travel might not be the best thing for pets, especially for those sensitive to changes, like cats.
  3. Do the Services Work?: There’s also some debate about how effective the services are at reducing pet stress. Not all pets might benefit from noise-canceling earmuffs or calming jackets, and some could still feel anxious during the flight.
  4. Environmental Impact: Private jets, like the ones K9 Jets uses, can have a bigger carbon footprint than regular planes. This has led to some criticism from people concerned about the environment.