a cup of 영어

Inca Giant Corn _ The Ancient Giant of the Andes

coffee-grin 2024. 9. 5. 07:34

I stopped by Homeplus and came across a snack called "Giant Inca Corn." At first, I thought it was just a catchy name, but to my surprise, it had actual giant corn kernels inside! These huge kernels are fried to a perfect crunch, making it a tasty and healthier snack that I enjoyed without feeling guilty. After trying it, I got curious and decided to learn more about this fascinating corn. 

  • come across - 우연히 발견하다, 마주치다
  • catchy name - 기억에 남는 이름, 매력적인 이름
  • kernel - (옥수수 등의) 알갱이
  • guilt-free - 죄책감 없는, 부담 없는
  • fascinating - 매혹적인, 흥미로운


Price at Homplus : 2990 KRW

What is Inca Giant Corn?

Inca Giant Corn is a type of large corn primarily grown in the Cusco region of Peru. Locally, it's known by several names: "Choclo," "Blanco Urubamba," or "Giant White Corn of Cusco." This special corn comes from the Urubamba Valley, also known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It's grown in high altitudes, usually between 2,600 to 3,050 meters above sea level. Inca Giant Corn has been a staple food since the time of the Inca Empire. In fact, ancient statues found in the Pachacámac Temple even show depictions of this corn, proving how important it was back then.


  • primarily - 주로
  • Sacred Valley - 성스러운 계곡
  • altitude - 고도
  • above sea level - 해발
  • staple food - 주식
  • Inca Empire - 잉카 제국
  • depiction - 묘사


Features of Inca Giant Corn

1. Size
The kernels of Inca Giant Corn are massive. They’re 2 to 3 times bigger than regular corn kernels, which makes them stand out immediately. You can really feel the difference when you eat them.


2. Unique Flavor
This corn has a richer, nuttier taste compared to regular corn. When it’s fried or roasted with a bit of salt, it becomes a crunchy and savory snack. Because it’s not too sweet, it pairs well with drinks like beer or wine.


3. High-altitude Growth
Grown in the highlands of the Andes, this corn absorbs the unique nutrients of the soil, which gives it a special flavor. Though it’s mainly grown in Cusco, Peru, it’s also cultivated in nearby countries like Ecuador, Bolivia, and Colombia.


4. A Healthy Snack
Besides being delicious, Inca Giant Corn is also nutritious. It’s packed with protein and fiber, making it a filling and healthy snack. No wonder it’s becoming more popular as a go-to treat for health-conscious people.

Image Source : www.seeds-gallery.eu

A Little History

As the name suggests, Inca Giant Corn dates back to the time of the Inca Empire (1438–1533). The Incas were great at farming, even in the mountainous areas of the Andes, where they cultivated corn and other crops. Corn was a major part of their diet and used in many dishes. The fact that corn is shown in sculptures found in ancient temples like Pachacámac shows how important it was to their culture.

Different Names of Giant Corn

  • Choclo: This word comes from the Quechua language, which was spoken during the Inca Empire and is still used in parts of Peru today. "Choclo" is the general word for corn in South America, but it’s also used to describe this large-kernel variety in Peru.
  • Blanco Urubamba: This name comes from Spanish. "Blanco" means white, and Urubamba refers to the valley where this corn is grown. The Urubamba Valley is part of the Sacred Valley, which was crucial in Inca times.
  • Giant White Corn of Cusco: This is its more formal, international name. It emphasizes the corn's giant size and the fact that it’s grown in the Cusco region, once the capital of the Inca Empire.

How It's Used Today

Inca Giant Corn is widely consumed in Peru and other South American countries. It’s often served with traditional dishes like ceviche, a fresh seafood dish marinated in lime juice. The mild and nutty flavor of the corn pairs well with the tangy and fresh taste of ceviche.

Ceviche with bolined choclo

Popular Ways to Enjoy It

  1. Fried Inca Giant Corn
    One of the most common ways to enjoy this corn is as a fried snack. It becomes super crunchy, and you can add salt, chili powder, or lime for extra flavor.
  2. Salad Topping
    Inca Giant Corn is also great as a topping for salads. Its crunch complements the freshness of the vegetables, adding both texture and taste.
  3. Traditional Peruvian Dishes
    In Peru, it’s a staple in many traditional dishes, especially as a side to ceviche. The contrast between the corn’s nutty flavor and the citrusy seafood is delicious.

Nutritional Benefits

Inca Giant Corn isn’t just tasty – it’s also packed with nutrients. It’s high in energy, rich in fiber and protein, and helps keep you full for longer. Because it’s grown in the nutrient-rich soils of the Andes, it’s also loaded with minerals that make it a great option for a healthy snack.

Where Can You Buy It?

These days, you can find Inca Giant Corn in many countries around the world. In Korea, you can find it in stores like Homeplus or online marketplaces. If you’re really into trying different flavors, you might even consider ordering different varieties through international shopping sites.

Inca Giant Corn is more than just a snack – it’s a connection to the ancient Inca culture and their advanced agricultural practices. If you’re looking for something crunchy, healthy, and rich in history, give Inca Giant Corn a try. Its unique size and flavor might just make it your new favorite snack!