a cup of 영어

Have you heard of 'Plogging'?

coffee-grin 2024. 8. 30. 00:00

“Plogging: The Eco-Friendly Fitness Trend You Need to Try”

A Fun Twist on Jogging

Imagine jogging through your neighborhood, headphones in, when you spot a plastic bottle lying on the sidewalk. Instead of ignoring it, you bend down, pick it up, and keep running. Congratulations! You’ve just become a plogger.

What Is Plogging?

Plogging combines jogging with environmental responsibility. As you run, you collect littercigarette butts, plastic wrappers, or discarded cans. It’s like a mini cleanup mission during your workout.

  • environmental responsibility (환경 책임)
  • litter (쓰레기)
  • cigarette butts (담배꽁초)
  • plastic wrappers (플라스틱 포장지)
  • discarded cans (버려진 캔)


Origin and Global Spread

The term “plogging” originated in Sweden, where fitness enthusiasts decided to make their runs more impactful. Erik Ahlström coined the term, and it quickly gained popularity worldwide.


Why Should You Plog?

Cleaner Spaces: By picking up trash, you contribute to tidier parks, trails, and streets.

Calorie Burn: Squatting to grab litter adds intensity to your jog, burning more calories.

Community Bonding: Plogging is a shared missionfitness meets environmental awareness.

Debates and Tips


Bag Choice: Some prefer reusable bags for collecting trash, aligning better with eco-friendly values.

Safety First: Watch out for sharp objects. Gloves and a sturdy bag are essential.

Plogging Goes Viral


From Sweden to France, plogging has become a fitness trend. Social media buzzes with plogging posts, inspiring others to join in.


How to Plog

step 1_Gear Up: Grab gloves and a recyclable bag.

step 2_Jog and Collect: Keep an eye out for litter. Squat down, pick it up, and continue your jog.

step 3_Sort and Dispose: Separate the trash for proper recycling or disposal.

Run, Pick Up, Repeat

Plogging has gained popularity across the globe,

spreading like wildfire to various countries. Here are some places where it’s catching on:Popularity across the globe, spreading like wildfire to various countries. Here are some places where it’s catching on:


  • Sweden: The birthplace of plogging, where it all began.
  • Ecuador: Yes, even South America has embraced plogging.
  • Thailand: Plogging has made its way to Southeast Asia.
  • India: Given the plastic pollution problem, plogging has become huge here.
  • United Kingdom: Cities like London have active plogging groups.
  • Mexico: Mexico City joins the movement.
  • South Korea: Seoul boasts its own plogging enthusiasts.
  • United States: From Sacramento to New York, plogging is gaining traction.
  • Australia: Sydney and other cities are in on it too.

Next time you hit the pavement, consider plogging. It’s more than exerciseit’s a small step toward a cleaner planet. Happy plogging!

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