a cup of 영어

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

coffee-grin 2024. 8. 29. 11:41

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies is observed annually on September 7th to promote global efforts toward achieving clean air and a healthy environment. This day, which was initiated by South Korea, has been officially recognized by the United Nations (UN) as an international observance.


  • observe : 기념하다, 준수하다
  • promote : 촉진하다, 홍보하다
  • effort : 노력, 수고
  • achieve : 달성하다, 이루다
  • environment : 환경
  • initiate : 시작하다, 주도하다
  • recognize : 인정하다, 승인하다
  • officially : 공식적으로
  • international : 국제적인
  • observance : 기념, 준수

Image Source : Heung-up, Wonju, South Korea


History of the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies was proposed by South Korea at the 74th UN General Assembly in 2019 and has been celebrated every year on September 7th since 2020. The South Korean government emphasized the need for international cooperation to address air pollution issues, such as fine dust, which received widespread support from UN member states. This initiative marked a significant moment for South Korea in demonstrating global leadership in tackling air pollution.

Background of the Initiative

The establishment of this day was driven by the urgent need to address severe air pollution issues. Pollutants like fine dust have significant impacts on human health and the environment, particularly in the Asia region. South Korea has been actively working both domestically and internationally to address these challenges, leading to the proposal of the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies.

The day serves as a global commitment to collaborate on improving air quality. It encourages countries to develop policies, share technologies, and raise public awareness to tackle air pollution effectively.

2024 Events for the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

In 2024, South Korea has planned a series of events to commemorate the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies. The main events include:

  1. International Conference: An international conference focusing on global cooperation to solve air pollution problems will be held in Seoul. Experts from various countries will participate to discuss policies and technologies for improving air quality.
  2. Public Participation Campaign: Nationwide campaigns will raise awareness of the seriousness of air pollution and share ways individuals can contribute to improving air quality in their daily lives. These campaigns will particularly target youth, emphasizing the importance of environmental consciousness for future generations.
  3. Environmental Protection Activities: Local communities will organize tree planting, cycling, and other environmental protection activities aimed at reducing air pollution. These activities will allow citizens to actively participate in initiatives that contribute to cleaner air.
  4. Collaboration Between Public Institutions and Corporations: Public institutions and corporations will collaborate on air pollution reduction efforts and host exhibitions on eco-friendly technologies. This event will strengthen public-private partnerships and explore sustainable solutions for environmental protection.

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies is more than just a commemorative day—it is a global call to action for clean air and a healthy environment. We encourage widespread participation and interest in the 2024 events to make a meaningful impact.

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