a cup of 영어

Freedom to Flip: The Rights of the Reader

coffee-grin 2024. 10. 12. 06:00

Are You Truly Free?

Reading is like a journey, with each page offering a new world to explore. Today, I want to talk about something that can make this journey even more enjoyable: the right to read freely. These "10 Rights of the Reader" were first introduced by the French author and educator Daniel Pennac in his book 'Comme un roman' (English: The Rights of the Reader). When I read storybooks with my students, their wide-eyed wonder, the smiles spreading across their faces, and their adorable reactions to plot twists are some of my favorite moments. Seeing them immerse themselves in a story, one sentence at a time, is truly heartwarming. I hope you, too, find the same happiness in reading. So, let me introduce you to the Rights of the Reader!


- The Rights of the Reader 

- What's the Meaning Behind This?

- Who is Daniel Pennac?

• educator - 교육자
• wide-eyed - 눈을 크게 뜬
• adorable - 사랑스러운
• plot twist - 줄거리 반전
• immerse - 몰입하다

The Rights of the Reader

1 The right not to read
2 The right to skip 
3 The right not to finish a book
4 The right to read it again
5 The right to read anything
6 The right to mistake a book for real life
7 The right to read anywhere
8 The right to dip in
9 The right to read out loud
10 The right to be quiet

What’s the Meaning Behind This?

Daniel Pennac’s Comme un roman aims to remind readers that reading should be a joy, not a chore. He presents these rights based on the idea that there should be no pressure when it comes to books. Reading, he argues, is a choice—never an obligation. And this freedom makes the experience more human and enjoyable.

Pennac’s core belief is simple: reading isn't about conforming to expectations, but about personal autonomy. Here’s a closer look at some of these rights:

The Rights of The Reader _ Source : goodreads.com


The right not to read: Let go of societal pressures. How we engage with books is entirely up to us.

The right to skip: Skipping parts we don’t like is part of the fun! It makes the relationship with a book more flexible and enjoyable.


The right not to finish a book: Finding a book that suits us is a journey in itself, and that’s okay. Life is too short, and there are too many great books!


The right to read it again: A good book can stir different emotions every time, and this right ensures you get to relive that joy.


The right to read anything: Not just classics or bestsellers—read whatever speaks to your interests.


The right to mistake a book for real life: This is the power of books. A great book can move your heart as if it were real.


The right to read anywhere: You have the freedom to open a book wherever you are—whether it’s on a bus, in the park, or while waiting in the kitchen.


The right to dip in: This right allows you to dip into a book like testing the waters of a pool—light and easy. Sometimes inspiration strikes from the most unexpected pages!


The right to read out loud: Reading aloud brings out the rhythm and music in words. It gives the text a voice, and when shared with others, the experience becomes even richer.


The right to be quiet: Sometimes, after reading, it’s okay to sit quietly and let the experience linger. No need to share—let it grow within you.


• societal pressure - 사회적 압박
• engage with - ~와 관계를 맺다, 참여하다
• suit - 맞다, 어울리다
• relive - 다시 경험하다
• inspiration - 영감
• unexpected - 예상치 못한
• linger - 남다, 오래 머물다

Who is Daniel Pennac?

Daniel Pennac _ Source : Wikipedia

Daniel Pennac, born Daniel Pennacchioni on December 1, 1944, in Casablanca, Morocco, is a French novelist and educator. He spent his childhood traveling through Africa and Southeast Asia, following his father, a military officer. These experiences nurtured his creative sensitivity and later influenced his unique literary style. After studying literature in Nice and earning a master's degree, Pennac taught literature in middle and high schools for many years. His time as an educator deepened his understanding of reading, leading to profound insights that shaped his literary career.


One of his most beloved works is the Malaussène Saga, a series centered around Benjamin Malaussène, a "scapegoat," and his quirky family living in the Belleville district of Paris. Full of humor and imagination, this series has captivated both teens and adults alike. Pennac is also known for his essay Comme un roman (published in English as The Rights of the Reader), in which he explores the philosophy of reading and the rights of readers. Through this work, he conveys the message that reading is a choice, not a compulsion, and should be approached freely.

In addition to fiction, Pennac co-wrote La Débauche (English: The Debauchery) with Jacques Tardi, a work that delves into the social issue of unemployment. In 2007, his autobiographical essay Chagrin d'école (English: School Blues) won the prestigious Prix Renaudot, cementing his literary reputation. Recently, in October 2024, Pennac published Mon Assassin (English: My Assassin), continuing his literary journey. This latest novel blends fiction with autobiographical elements and is an extension of the Malaussène Saga.

• nurture - 양성하다, 길러주다
• creative sensitivity - 창의적 감수성
• literary style - 문학적 스타일
• earn a degree - 학위를 취득하다
• deepen - 심화시키다, 깊게 하다
• profound insights - 심오한 통찰
• shape a career - 경력을 형성하다
• beloved - 사랑받는, 매우 좋아하는
• scapegoat - 희생양
• quirky - 특이한, 엉뚱한
• captivate - 마음을 사로잡다, 매료시키다
• compulsion - 강박, 강요
• delve into - 깊이 파고들다, 탐구하다
• unemployment - 실업
• autobiographical - 자전적인
• cement - 확고히 하다, 다지다
• prestigious - 권위 있는, 명성 있는
• literary reputation - 문학적 명성

#1 from the series of the Malaussène Saga _ Source : goodreads.com

Enjoying the Freedom to Read

Pennac’s message is simple: it’s okay if you don’t read, if you skip parts, or if you don’t finish a book. Reading should always be done on your own terms. It’s about finding joy in the way that suits you best, and readers should always have the right to choose how they engage with books.

So, pick up a book, start your own reading adventure, and remember—you’re free to read whatever, wherever, and however you like!

• on your own terms - 자신의 방식대로
• suit - 적합하다, 어울리다

Source : Walker Books